About Us

Neuropsychologist & Psychologist in Rocky Hill

Welcome to New England Psychological & Neuropsychological Associates, LLC. We're deeply committed to delivering expert psychological care across a wide span of age groups, ranging from adolescents to older adults. Our core focus on compassionate healing drives our specialization in addressing a diverse spectrum ...

Individual, Family, and Group Therapy: Nurturing Well-being Together

We provide a comprehensive array of therapeutic options that cater to diverse needs and preferences. Our services encompass individual exploration, strengthening family bonds, and harnessing the power of group dynamics. Each facet of our therapy is designed to accompany individuals on a transformative journey ...
Get Started!

Ready to take the first step towards healing? Schedule an appointment with us today and let our experts guide you on your path to recovery.

We Specialize In:


Neuropsychological & Psychological Assessment

Neuropsychological & Psychological Assessment

Testing and Evaluation

A Neuropsychologist is a licensed Clinical Psychologist (with a Psy.D. or Ph.D. degree) who has also completed a two-year fellowship in …
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  • ⛰️ 19 years of experience
  • ⛰️ By appointment only
  • ⛰️ Trauma and PTSD
  • ⛰️ Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • ⛰️ Testing and evaluation